Mutation 2009 | Important Dates | Organisation | Submission | Keynote | Program | Pictures


Paper Submission

Submission site is now closed.

Formatting Guidelines

The full proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Therefore, all papers and other materials for the proceedings must be typeset to conform to IEEE conference style guidelines.

For instructions on preparing papers in accordance with the IEEE two-column proceedings format, see Author Guidelines for 8.5x11-inch Proceedings Manuscript. Please use the MS Word templates and LaTeX formats to prepare papers.

Your paper must conform to the following page limits:
Paper typeMaximum Length
Full 10 pages
Short 5 pages
Industrial Practice 7 pages


Presentations can be found
in the program [16.04.2009]

Some pictures of the
workshop [07.04.2009]

Program available

Submission deadline extended: January 16

Submission site open

Keynote speaker announced:
Jeff Offutt [6.10.2008]

Program committee announced [27.8.2008]

Mutation 2009 Workshop website
is online [19.5.2008]