Mutation 2009 | Important Dates | Organisation | Submission | Keynote | Program | Pictures


Keynote speaker: Jeff Offutt,
"A Mutation Carol: Past, Present and Future"

Jeff Offutt is a full professor of Software Engineering in the Volgenau school of Information Technology at George Mason University. He also holds a part-time visiting faculty position at University of Skövde, Skövde Sweden, where he participates in the Distributed Real-Time Systems Research Group (DRTS), contributing expertise on software engineering and software testing. His current research interests include software testing, analysis and testing of web applications, object-oriented program analysis, module and integration testing, formal methods, and software maintenance. He has published over 100 refereed research papers and has received funding from various government agencies and companies. His current projects include testing of web applications, analysis and testing of object-oriented software, measuring software maintenance of open-source software, and deriving tests from formal specifications of safety critical software. He is on the technical board of advisors for Certess, Inc.

Offutt is editor-in-chief of Wiley's journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, is chair of the steering committee for the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) and program co-chair for ICST 2009, has served on numerous conference program committees, was program chair for ICECCS 2001, has been on the editorial boards for the Springer's Empirical Software Engineering Journal (2006-), the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (2002-), the Software Quality Journal (2002-), and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2001-2005), is a regular reviewer for NSF and several major research journals, and has been invited to speak throughout the US, Japan, China, and Sweden. He has been involved in a number of software proof-of-concept research systems, including muJava, Mothra, Godzilla, CBat, Mistix, Albert, CoupTest, and SpecTest, several of which have been used by many other software engineering researchers. Offutt previously worked on the Software Test and Evaluation Project, for Georgia Tech's Software Engineering Research Center, and helped design and implement the Mothra mutation testing system with Rich DeMillo.

His doctoral research was a method for automatically generating test data to satisfy mutation analysis and included algorithms and an implementation of an automatic test data generator that was integrated with the Mothra system. Largely by using the Mothra system, he invented, developed, and experimentally validated algorithms and engineering techniques that proved that mutation testing can be practical and effective. He has made fundamental contributions to several software testing problems, including mutation, automatic test data generation, object-oriented testing, input space partitioning, specification-based testing, model-based testing, and testing of web applications. He has also published papers on software metrics, maintenance, and software engineering education.

[ Visit Jeff's website]


Presentations can be found
in the program [16.04.2009]

Some pictures of the
workshop [07.04.2009]

Program available

Submission deadline extended: January 16

Submission site open

Keynote speaker announced:
Jeff Offutt [6.10.2008]

Program committee announced [27.8.2008]

Mutation 2009 Workshop website
is online [19.5.2008]