MUTATION 2010 | Important Dates | Organisation | Keynote | Program | Photos

Keynote speaker: Mark Harman (King's College, London)

How HOM Helps Mutation Testing

Higher Order Mutation testing (HOM testing) is simply Mutation testing in which simply faults are combined to create Higher Order Mutants. This keynote will briefly cover the history of Mutation Testing, considering why it has been traditionally a first order paradigm and giving motivations for a move to the higher order paradigm. The talk will show how Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) can be used to seek out, from the impossibly large space of potential higher order mutants, those which may possess important and valuable properties that make them good at revealing faults that may otherwise go unnoticed. This keynote is based on joint work with Yue Jia and William B. Langdon in the CREST Centre, King's College London.

Mark Harman Mark Harman is professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Computer Science at King's College London. He is widely known for work on source code analysis and testing and he was instrumental in the founding of the field of Search Based Software Engineering, a field that currently has active researchers in 24 countries and for which he has given 14 keynote invited talks. Professor Harman is the author of over 150 refereed publications, on the editorial board of 7 international journals and has served on 90 programme committees. He is director of the CREST centre at King's College London. More details are available from the CREST website. Together with Yue Jia (also from the CREST Centre), he is responsible for a resource repository and recent analytical survey of the field of Mutation Testing.


Photos and presentations available [10.04.2010]

Workshop program available [30.03.2010]

Accepted papers published [05.03.2010]

Deadline extended to 29.01.2010 [14.01.2010]

Keynote speaker announced [11.11.2009]

Special issue [9.11.2009]

PC announced [5.11.2009]

Mutation 2010 Workshop website
is online [20.7.2009]